Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 21 - big flem wad

The last few days I have been waking up with very dry a nose and throat.  My nose for instance this morning  was packed full of crusties that made it nigh impossible to breath through.  My throat was filled with a large wad of mucus.  The nose crusties needed to be picked out manually. The throat butter needed to loosen up a little before it would dislodge,This is what came out about an hour after waking up.  I will note that this same thing happened with large mucus wads and nose crusties the first time I went on Accutane.

 I have some more pictures, one of my chin acne again, and one of my empty Accutane envelopes after the break.

My eruptions scab over a lot quicker on Accutane.  Compare to yesterday's photos.

Two empty packs of Accutane.   That was last night after my 20th pill.

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